
My boss is a pirate captain, and I manage her crew. She buried treasure chests in the soil of four different places around the world. In order for her treasure to be any good to you, you must find the chests in the right order.

Don't ask why. That's just the way pirate logic works.

Why am I helping you? She's cruelly cut dental from our benefits plan, so I'm going to quit and open a pastelaria in Lisbon. But before I liberate some down-payment loot and disappear, I may as well give you this parchment with the locations list and the clues list. Oh, and here is my helpful guidebook - - - > [CIA World Factbook]

You may also use the greater internet, physical versions of an atlas, a world almanac, or an encyclopedia to research, but don't go asking another soul for the answers!

Now it is up to you to get to the chests before ol' Cap'n Greenboots catches on, and definitely not be cursed become disgustingly rich!

[For your reply post, list the following four cities in order neatly, like you see them below. There are only four answers.]